Sunday, August 26, 2018


I have previous posts on the insane situation in California. See my list of topics in the side bar.

This video simply expands the picture a bit.

You need to understand that the rest of the USA will soon be flooded with people from California, Chicago, New York City, Detroit, and any other wasteland wrecked by Progressive Liberals.

What to do?

Do not panic. These refugees are usually the smart ones, and they fled because they are fed up with the Marxist state of California, AKD North Venezuela. They will generally be quite pleased to live in your community and adapt.

But, understand this..... These people may be fed up with California, but they have been living in the welfare state where Big Nanny has been handing them socialist benefits. They will need to be rebuked soundly when they whine because they cannot get all the same freebies they got in California. Do not tolerate it. Slap them down verbally with a sound rebuke. Otherwise, they will infect your state or city with latent socialism.

But again, most of these people are hard working victims of Marxism and sodomites in the State Legislature of California who hate middle class straights. They will soon be pleased to find a lot less, or none, of this in your locality.

No one is talking about the exit of the 7 million illegals from California. When the state goes belly up, the state will cut welfare payments back, possibly sending IOUs to illegal Mexicans. The Liberals will turn on the illegals in a flash if they see their base of voters falling apart. This is what Governor Jerry Brown has done several times in the past.

So, the illegals will panic and flee California. Some will return to Mexico, but illegals from all over the world, who entered through Mexico into California, will quickly become enemy number one of Blacks and busted Whites. These illegals will also be arriving in your community with their hat out expecting welfare. You need to let your legislators know that you will dump them out at once if they cave in to illegals' demands.


Thursday, August 23, 2018


If you are taking statins for high cholesterol, you are acting upon a lie perpetrated by Big Pharma.

This is not another conspiracy theory. There are literally thousands of researches now extant which call into question the wisdom of taking statins for anything.


Now, go to Amazon, and buy the book, and read the whole story.

If you take statins, you are at war with the body God created for you. Your liver makes 80% of the cholesterol your body needs, and 20% comes from food you eat. Without making more cholesterol, you would die.

If you take statins, this drug lowers your cholesterol in your blood. The brain senses this, and it sends orders to the liver to get the cholesterol level back up to what is normal for you. There is no magic number at which you are normal. Each person needs cholesterol at a different level.

So, the liver goes to your body to find cholesterol. It soon finds all it needs in the walls of the cells of your body. The liver robs the cell walls of cholesterol, leaving the cells perforated. The perforations, which should never be there, allow toxins in your blood to enter the cells instead of being removed by the kidneys. These toxins in your cells cause serious pain, a side effect almost all people on statins experience.

So, the doctor does his bogus test, and he learns that your body has raised your cholesterol back up to what YOU need as normal. The doctor panics and raises the dose of your statins. This works temporarily, and the brain orders the liver to start over finding cholesterol. The liver then goes to the largest supply of cholesterol in your body- your brain, which is 98% cholesterol. The liver robs your brain of cholesterol and raises the level back up in your blood.

The result is dementia, and this explains why many people sitting in that corner chair in the lounge of the nursing home sit all day drooling on themselves. Their brain has been thoroughly reduced by the side effects of statins.

This has all been known for many years now. Big Pharma has known it also, and they pay huge amounts of cash to send doctors to medical conferences and deny the truth as given by men who have studied the thing and are trying to bell the cat. One such "expert," who is a retired heart specialist, is paid $1500 and hour for simply standing and bad mouthing the speaker during the Q&A time.

God made your body to know where your cholesterol level should be, and you are a fool to try to alter that.

What is causing you any such issues, as the video explained, is inflammation of the artery walls by toxic food additives and smoking and other stupid chemical you eat, drink, or inhale. When the artery wall is inflamed or injured, it is covered by cholesterol, the same substance that makes scabs when you cut yourself. Stop the inflammation, and you will stop the clogging of your arteries.

In our home we take Pecto-sol, olive leaf extract, and several other antioxidants. One of the best is turmeric, and coffee cherry fruit is very high in antioxidants. Black seed (cumin) oil is a great tool to clear arteries.

I suggest you look into your diet, and eliminate toxins, food additives, and chemicals. Start reading the ingredients, and when you see chemicals you know nothing about, put it back on the shelf. Inflammation is what will kill you, not bacon, salt pork, and shrimp. In fact, saturated fats are the easiest for your body to digest, and they do no damage like polyunsaturated fats do. If you will not budget to eat grass fed beef, pastured chicken eggs, and organic produce, get ready for arteriosclerosis. 

If God made your body to produce high cholesterol from eating beef, lamb, and butter, why do you believe Big Pharma and your med school indoctrinated doctor that cholesterol is deadly? What sort of God created you to kill yourself from cholesterol?

If God actually wants your cholesterol lower.....

Where was God when Nehemiah said:

Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Where was God the Holy Spirit when Solomon said:

Proverbs 15:30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat.

God is clearly not approving of gluttony, but God WANTS you to eat the fat and plenty of red meat. Thus, he told Noah after he exited the Ark:

Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

If you want a rule of eating that God seemed to make long ago, it would be not to eat blood. I am not sure why this is. It may be more theological than health related, but go ahead and keep that law. Otherwise, if you refuse to eat meat and fat, I can promise you that your health will suffer for it. 

Go to any vegan restaurant, and you will see a bunch of skinny pale and sickly looking people. You will also find that their mind is full of fluff. And, worst of all, they cannot understand the Gospel because they have their food for their religion.

Finally, I need to get in one more lick here. I have tried to reason with a fair number of Seventh Day Adventists, and I find that they are mentally afflicted with a spiritual fog caused by starving their body and brain of hard protein and saturated fat. They also go to a great deal of trouble to hide their cultic superstitions so they can sneak up on meat eating believers and make them think they are born again Christians. 

Now, go to the right thing. Your cholesterol is right where God wants it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Here are two people who died for a cause. The cause is the Leftist gullible notion that people are basically good, and you just need to be sincere and eat your carrots, and all the evil people of the world will just love you.


You can do the same thing with a lot less trouble and expense. Just go to Chicago and walk the streets at night on the south side. Or, go sit on a park bench in New York City in the nice promenade along the Hudson River and wear a MAGA hat. Some nice sincere and gracious person will come along and slip a blade between your ribs for you. 

Of course, if you want your name in the paper, you need to buy the high end bicycle, tell the local paper you are going to ride around the world, and that you will prove that ISIS and M-13 are really misunderstood saints just waiting to be beatified.

Good luck, sucker.


This video is not getting seen well enough. Vera Cruz is the home of some of the best coffee south of the US border. The mountains nearby are where you find the coffee growing. Sadly, this peaceful city of long ago is now rampant with violence.

Friday, August 10, 2018


Members on the Left have no rational way to ask questions or make debate with the Right.

This is because they hate the Right, and they hate White people, and they hate men. You need to get used to this. It will never again be anything but what it is now.

How shall we then live?

1. Do not return hate for hate. If the hate comes with bullets, return bullets if you must, but not out of lust to kill. You do have the right to defend yourself.

2. Discipline your mind to stay rational and curious. Read and investigate as if you did not have anyone who agreed with you. You must keep from becoming pathological in your thinking and speech just because you are the minority.

3. Defend other Whites, men, and Conservatives. If you are a Bible believer, defend Bible believers. If this requires doing harm to Leftists, do it. The Left has no inalienable right to destroy people.

4. Take the high ground by using true facts and reason against the Left. They are so ingrown and simple minded that they can be easily destroyed in real debate. Do so, and make no apologies.

Here is an example of a brat trying to interview Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern. You will see that the man is desperate to stick his victims with guilt for something. This is not an interview, this is war. Stefan bashes right back eventually and calls the man on his tricks.

The classic moment in this video was when Stefan asked the dim bulb to define "the extreme Left and the extreme Right." The idiot had no idea what they were. This is because his university professors and Hillary Clinton never defined the extreme Left or extreme Right. This proves me right. Being on the Left is not about rational thinking, it is about who to hate.

This is the philosophical foundation of the ongoing Civil War in America. If you do not join the Hate fest of the Left, you are the enemy, and you must be killed. Extreme Leftists most certainly would kill me if they could get away with it. That is one reason I like Texas. A Leftist in Texas who attacks a White person, male person, Christian, or Conservative will get more lead back than he sends. But, he needs to make his first shot count, because I will not shoot first. I fully intend to end up on the high ground morally.

This Civil War is not my idea of how to live. It is being forced upon me and my friends by rabid dogs who want to see blood flow. I will try to make sure their blood is mingled with mine before the party is over. But, for the record, bleeding to death in the street is not my idea of social justice and cultural fellowship. They asked for war, and they will get it.

FINAL THOUGHT: If you watched the whole video, you heard the interviewer say, "I think I'm a little more understanding." This tells me that we must never give up on a sincere seeker. The young buck came on rather sinister, but he ended admitting he had learned something. Do not make Conservatism, maleness, Christianity, or Whiteness a private club. Be willing to welcome cross overs.

Proverbs 11:25 The liberal (generous) soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Answer: NO

Here is the statement on religion in the "Communist Party of China" statement of existence:

Belief restriction
The Communist Party of China claims that individuals who join the Communist Party of China must abandon religious beliefs . If they have religious beliefs, including Christianity , Catholicism , Islam , Judaism, etc., they must break with the above-mentioned religions before they can “join the party”. Their provisions are influenced by religion or have strong People with religious feelings cannot join the Chinese Communist Party, and young students with religious beliefs cannot apply for membership. They must be " atheistic ".

What this means is that the total function of the Communist Party of China must be by members who are, among other things, Christ haters. Of course they are also Buddha haters, and haters of any other spiritual or metaphysical movement.

This is why American leaders will NEVER come to an understanding with China. Every time an American leader sits down to talk with a Chinese leader, they have a foundational animosity toward one another. America is a nation where a leader is free to have a religious perspective, and indeed, if he does not, his chances of being elected diminish greatly.

So, the Chinese leader looks on the American leader as a superstitious and silly religious fool.

China will always be the enemy of America unless our nation becomes Atheist in its defining documents. The only other nation in the world which is self-defined as Atheistic in its national documents is France. All other nations, whether it is true or not in daily practice, claim to allow religious freedom of belief. Even the religious cult of Atheism is permitted in free nations like America.

By this, we may conclude that, in regard to the soul, China and France are fellow travelers and bed fellows. Knowing the death of faith in France, this seems very appropriate, and we need to look on France as the enemy of America just as much as China is.

For the record, any belief system which would cease to exist without an "other" to attack, such as God, is a religion. Atheists must have a God in order to define themselves, even though they hate this God. If God did not exist, Richard Dawkins would be out of a job. He should be very grateful that God is there, and that he allows men like Dawkins free will. In fact, Dawkins' attack on God is one of the most powerful proofs that God exists. Dawkins shows his need for God every time he steps up to a microphone. Without God, Dawkins would have nothing to attack, and therefore, nothing to pull the crowds. The whole show for Dawkins is to defy God and give the mob reason to hate this God.

In fact, without ME, Dawkins would have little or nothing to talk about. Dawkins NEEDS Christians to be here in order to produce evidence that God is defective. Every Christian is defective in some way, so Dawkins can thus claim that God failed to fix these Christians, and, thus again, God is a loser. As you eat your kippers tomorrow morning, Richard, remember me here in Texas, and be grateful that I am a classic example of a defective Christian. YOU NEED ME.

The photo is of me roasting my own coffee beans, and burning them. If God really loved me, he would have come down and told me when to remove the beans from the fire, right? There you are, Richard. That proves God is very dilatory about things, so he must not exist, right?

Dawkins, as a rabid Atheist, has much more in common with Communist China then he does with Great Britain or any other civilized nation.

I see no reason to have mercy on fools. Do you agree?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


I asked you readers to pray for my friend Sam. He was in very bad shape with an intestinal shut down, and he was showing signs of total collapse. 

You prayed, and, glory to God, Sam is back home. The evening of the day I posted the prayer request, the doctors began vigorously drugging Sam for his symptoms. Sam's son balked, and he told the doctors to start finding out what was wrong and treat the cause instead of the symptoms.

The doctors seemed to take the hint, and they changed direction. Sam's son also began pressing his father to make more of an effort at elimination. A CAT scan showed no blockage. Sam made a great effort, and whether God moved Sam to move his bowels, or God did it himself, the divine physician took over from the doctors, and Sam had a great liberation movement, so to speak.

Sam's son is concerned about Sam's diet, and they are having a heart to heart talk about that, father and son. Sam learned that the Dr. Pepper has to go, among other things. When we get older sometimes our kids need to come along side and tell us what we need to hear. Be ready to listen.

In any case, the prayers of God's people took Sam from a critical condition to be back home in a very short time. Thanks, to those of you who prayed.

Sam is now just fine in Knoxville, and you who are Bible believers may look him up when we all get over on the other side in Christ.

Did you ever think about our poor Atheist friends. They have nowhere to go for help, and they never know these moments of blessing when God responds to his people praying. The reward of your faith in priceless, my friend.


The truth about immigration is that we do not make a bit of difference on poverty in the world by the immigrants we allow to legally enter America. In fact, we may be causing more harm than good.


I have lived in Africa, growing up and later working there, and I have seen the worst of this poverty. It is beyond imagination. The ones who are really helping are the nations and organizations which send help and people to try to change the lives and destiny of the poor where they live.

The ONLY reason Progressive Liberals want to add more immigrants to the USA is so that they can use them to help them elect themselves to rule America and make the Republican Party and Conservatives slaves of socialism.

We are on the brink of destruction, and nearly half of all American welcome that possibility.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


This ABC news report defines the problem:

When we were missionaries in Ethiopia, that nation had allowed beggars in their streets for a thousand years. It is a Middle Eastern phenomenon, just as it was during the lifetime of Jesus Christ. The beggars in Ethiopia were for real, but we were informed that there were professional beggars who put on beggar's clothes in the morning, begged all day, went home and changed, and went to eat in fancy tourist hotels and night clubs at night.

The reason for this is that the Ethiopian people are terrified of being known as selfish and stingy, so they are very generous to beggars. A beggar, unlike in America, has no other option. There is NO socialism and not alternative, so the beggars would literally starve to death if people were not generous.

So, we realized that we needed to be generous also. After all, we lived by faith in Jesus Christ, and he was limitlessly kind to the poor in his day. But, was there a way to tell the professional beggars from the truly needy.

1. Fake beggars go home at night.

One of our missionaries in Ethiopia would take food and blankets in his car at night and drive from one bus stop to another. He would find beggars, often women and children, sleeping in the covered bus waiting locations. He knew they were for real because they had no home to go to at night. He gave them food or whatever he had for beggars. One lady he found looked like a down country tribal person, and so he greeted her in that tribal language. She returned the greeting and started crying. She told him she had come to the capital city with a promise of work which did not pan out. She became destitute and living on the street. He arranged, the next day, for her to be transported back to her tribal area and home.

The moral of this point is that, if you want to make absolutely sure you are helping the needy, go downtown in the evening, and give food or clothing to people living on the street or under bridges. Right, it takes a bit of trouble and investment of time to make sure your good is not evil spoken of.

2. Fake beggars do not want food of clothing.

On every intersection in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia there are groups of kids begging. They run up to your car, especially if you are White, and they all have learned one line in English.... "No father, no mother, hungry today."

We were trying to think of a way to help the really needy kids because some of those young boys were placed there by either their parents or criminals who forced them to beg and bring the money to the thug. So, when we started a day of business and shopping, we bought a bag of Italian torpedo rolls and a bag of oranges or bananas. The average poor kid in Ethiopia may not eat an orange more than once every ten years. When the kids ran to our car during a red light time, we handed the bread and oranges out to them. The fake beggar kids ran to the next car, and the real beggar kids eyes got as big as saucers. It was a real rush to see those kids dig into an orange or a crusty Italian roll.

Thus, in the USA, make a point of taking snack food, especially protein, along when you go downtown. Include some cartons of drinks. When a beggar comes to your car, offer him the food and a drink, and you will soon learn who the fakes are. Also, when a beggar is posted near an eating place, take the time occasionally to park, and offer to take the beggar to eat a meal with you. The really needy people will be delighted. If they feel they will not be wanted in the eating place, do not make a civil rights event out of it. Tell them you will order something to go and bring it to them. The really needy ones will then be pleased and thankful.

3. Fake beggars avoid really poor beggars.

Fake beggars make really needy people feel resentful. The truly needy resent that a person with a car and home to go to every night is out there taking cash the needy could get. There is a territorial aspect to this begging, and certain beggars, for reasons known only to them, have staked claim to certain intersection corners. When a fake beggar takes a corner a needy person could use, that is wicked. This results in the fake beggar being avoided and standing alone. That is a clue you can use to determine who is really in need.

4. Fake beggars often look better than the truly homeless.

The phony beggars look better than the truly needy. Street people do not shave much, or at all. They do not get a bath every night. They do not have clean clothes because they do not own washing machines. When you look at beggars, it is quite fair to do some shrewd analysis of what you are looking at. It the beggar has leathery skin that looks a bit dirty, and they are scruffy in the face, you are very likely looking at the real thing.

This is why it is also very kind to take clothes and toiletries to clean up. 

We had hundreds of Ho Bo's stop by our home when I pastored a church on the Union Pacific Railway line in the California desert. One time, a man asked if he could clean up. He really needed it badly, but I could see beneath the crud that he was a bright eyed man, so I let him use the church restroom, which had a shower, to clean up. I gave him a razor, and when he came out he looked very civilized. I believe we also washed his clothes for him. I asked him why he was "on the road," and he said it was alcohol. He would sober up and stay dry for a time, and then he would lose it again. We talked with him about the help Christ could give him, and we gave him a Bible and things to read.

5. Fake beggars are not thankful.

They are guilty of working a scam on the public, and they know it. For this reason, they will have no feeling for you, and they will not show thankfulness. I have seen beggars get weepy and overcome with gratitude when someone gave them enough money to buy a meal, or better, gave them a new shirt of jacket. And, strangely, really needy people will very often start praising God. There is a lot more faith in God on that street corner than in the cars rolling by.

Now, there are some things you can do besides mock and complain. Griping about the fake beggars is simply a way for hypocrites to justify their stingy soul. Do not give way to this pious self-righteous trend to downgrade people in need just because some of them are fake. The man I told you about above, who helped the lady get back home, said, "I would rather help ten beggars, and find that nine of them were fake, than to miss helping number ten."

Please do not come to Jesus like this man:

Mark 10:17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.
20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.
21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

Help the needy this way:

Luke 14:12 Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee.
13 But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind:
14 And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

Jack Johnson owned a missile parts making company. Whenever he saw a hitch hiker, he would pick the man up, give him the Gospel, and talk with him about life. If the man showed real desperation to escape from his life of dependence, Jack would get him cleaned up, put him in a rented room, and he would find him a job in one of several parking lots in downtown Los Angeles where he knew the owners. He would keep track of the men, and if they stuck it out, he moved them on to a better job that paid better and would really support them. Jack lead one such fellow to Christ on the way to prayer meeting one evening, and he brought him to church and introduced him as his new brother in Christ. The man showed clearly that he had been seriously affected by his new salvation, and Jack stayed with him later.

Here is a thought. I have never heard of anyone taking a street person to a ball game, a stock car race, or a concert. Think about what that would do for someone living on the street day after boring day.

I would wager that 90% of you reading here, if you were honest, could stand to part with $100 to a street person. What would that feel like? There is NO rush in this life bigger than seeing the face of a needy person or kid when they receive some big help.

You can find hundreds of videos online showing the gratefulness of street people for help.

Again, do not be one of those who use the fake beggars as an excuse for doing nothing for needy people. Take a street person to IHOP this week.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Sam is in the hospital, and he is in serious trouble. Here is the message we received from one of his family:
“Just wanted to update you about Dad. His situation is turning kinda ugly. His bowels aren't functioning (haven't been for a few days) and he is swelling up and throwing up bile. They are trying to get a tube in his nose to drain stuff off his body but they are having trouble getting it in. They can't put him to sleep to do it because he could die that way. Please pray that the doctor's will be able to help him properly and that he will recover.”

Sam's wife needs him very badly because of her own issues. Pray that God will spare him and give him a few more years to serve the Lord.

Just pray for Sam, Steve Van Nattan's friend in Tennessee. The Lord will know who you are talking about.



Thursday, August 2, 2018


Hannity did a special on Rush Limbaugh, and I need to post it.

The British have the Rock of Gibraltar, and America has The Rush.

I have listened to Rush many times. I am not addicted to him, and I sometimes do not agree with him. But, Rush is always there, and he is very consistent and faithful to his principles.

Here is Hannity on Rush:

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


The US Government and the United Nations are doing nothing to restrict the explosion of 5G WIFI around the world.  The truth is that we will one day be soaking, 24/7, in radiation. This is the radiation, which during the 4G era has been causing cancer, that will be far more deadly than before.



The second video gives some technical and bioscience information that holds together. Whether the coming WIFI grid is being put in place as a conspiracy to mutilate us, or if it is just greedy capitalists doing their thing, the results will be the same. We will be changed. We will be sick.

We need to all hit Google and YouTube to find solutions to this thing so that we can protect the people we love and ourselves.

This should be old news to you by now, but many people click out of such information because they are terrified that they will be forced to make a choice between their iPad and their genitals.

Key word..... CANCER