Sunday, June 16, 2024



Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been getting a free ride on luxury jets from a White billionaire named Harlan Crow (no relation to Jim). Liberals in the Senate want to put the hammer to Thomas, as if he has committed the unpardonable sin.
There is NO rule or regulation that Thomas has to report all of his free rides or toys that the White people of America give him. If he is smart enough to earn a free ride in my Buick, and if I decide to give him that ride, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
Now, I admit, I have not yet been in a position to actually give the Justice a ride in my Buick. But, if he were to ride in my Buick, I would not report it to anyone, and neither should he have to.
On another note which leads to the same social discussion, Elon Musk has just been handed $46 billion in stock, by Tesla stock holders, as a reward for inventing a car and a rocket that happen to be very successful. All sorts of people, and the Liberal media, are whining that Musk is being paid too much. Never mind that it is the stock holders who believe in Musk and Tesla who voted to give him the wind fall.
Why all the hate lately for those who prosper? Elon Musk took the risk, he promoted his toys, and he ends up in the lineup of famous Amoses who did well for themselves like, Henry Ford, John D Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and me.
"Ha, ha," you say, "You are not in that league."
Correct by dollar measures. But, I opened a business on the Internet in 1995 in which I was one of only two people worldwide selling piano parts and tools to do-it-yourselfers. Elizabeth and I were the only employees, and when we sold the business thirteen years later, we got enough to get us out of debt and buy a home in Texas.
Make no mistake, God is the one who gave me the sense and help to make this venture work. I am sorry if he did not get your permission to bless me. Maybe you need to just deal with it.
So, if you want to reward me further by giving me a ride in your luxury jet, that is nobody's business but yours and mine. If you want to sponsor Justice Clarence Thomas to fly to Tongo Island and back, that is also nobody's business but yours and his. And, if you want to hand Elon Musk a couple of dollars for doing well to himself, do it, and slap the fool who whines about it.
America is abandoning the cultural norm on which we were founded which was taken from the Bible. These texts below answer the question of whether Clarence Thomas or Elon Musk are bad boys:
2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
1 Timothy 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
Justice Thomas, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and I are not evil because God has blessed us for working and taking risks. If we got more reward than you did for our effort, that is God's choice, not yours. God does not have to explain to you why he blesses one person more than another. He has a reason, and he is not required to put you on the committee in heaven which assigns blessings.
AND, if someone wants to hand us "double honor" in the form of favors and gifts, that is what the Apostle Paul said is the new normal of the Church Age. So far, this economy of life has not ended, and the rules still apply.
Thus, when you are tempted to accuse a successful man of doing evil because he is handed a gift by an admirer, mind your own business please.
Now, if you feel you have earned a ride in my Buick, you need to fill out an application in triplicate and submit it to the Committee On Free Rides for consideration. If they approve and declare you worthy of double honor, I will loan you my Buick for a trip to Lake Travis. All I ask is that you fill the tank before you return it. Justice Clarence Thomas has my Buick booked after you are done with it.
In the interest of integrity and transparency, I need to tell you that nearly every Sunday I get a free ride in my son-in-law's and daughter's luxury truck to the Baptist church in Austin, Texas. I can assure you that if there is ever a conflict between my truck rides and my giving a verdict on any matter pertaining to you, I shall recuse myself and defer to Jorge Rodriguez my neighbor.
SO THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All reactions:
Daryl Coats



This term describes the propaganda factor in the marketing of organic food in the USA. Organic food is popping up everywhere. The reason is that farmers far away are cheating, and government is looking the other way. Chemical companies are clearly bribing government inspectors in other nations. We have to wonder if the USDA is also playing dirty tricks and certifying fake organic farms.
There is also the cheating factor. Some organic farmers spray their crops, even doing so at night, and they are allegedly organic. I know farmers cheat because I know people who caught them. I also know that Kenya AA is never organic, regardless of what they claim. This is because inspectors are all taking bribes and approving pesticide sprayed crops. Kenya is my home country from long ago, but I believe all coffee production around the world is not truly organic.
The fake food we try to avoid is the product of intentional fraud.
As to coffee, if it is the same price or near that of non-organic coffee, it is NOT organic. Growing organic crops of any kind results in a much higher price. The problem with this test for quality is that some food producers intentionally buy non-organic, label it as organic, and then price it higher. The FDA is supposed to catch them and prosecute them. But, only a small percent of imported food is inspected.
I will not give up on organic food at the store, but I also take detox supplements because I assume a lot of organics are not real, and I am being regularly poisoned by food chemicals. I also have to assume that many of our modern health disorders are caused by the chemicals we consume.
The video shows some of the things happening in the coffee trade. It is very sad.