Thursday, March 19, 2020

Caitlin Johnstone of on surviving the epdemic

I have long thought that it would be awesome if the world could just take a nap for a minute. Capitalism is built around the glorification of busyness. We’re going to find out how many jobs we can do from home, how many jobs are only busywork, how many jobs we can comfortably consolidate or do without completely, and how many jobs are actually harmful. A big chunk of jobs have nothing to do with feeding, housing or caring for us, and everything to do with persuading people that they are deficient in some imaginary way and require this placebo tonic snake-oil to make us better again. Religion is one such job. Advertising, marketing, and most media are others. If we redesign the economy, we could do away with those altogether and have all that creative effort go toward healthy things.

Primarily though, we all need a big rest from constantly doing such soul-draining things. Having to do this while under the worry that we won’t be able to pay our rent and bills is not ideal, but do as my Mum always says — worry about the things you can change, and for the things you can’t change right now, leave them for the birds. Leave the bills for the birds for now. We will work out something; we always do. But for now, you are safe and you have everything you need. Notice that. Once you’ve established that you’re solid in this moment at least, take this time to really dig as deeply in to relaxation as you can. Watch some stand-up and get yourself laughing, sing to some youtube karaokes, nap often and deeply, take showers and baths, really taste your food and enjoy your breath, yawn and stretch and cuddle and shake it all out. Forget about cleaning out the cupboards or learning that instrument or reading that book or whatever cute thing you decided you really should do now that you have the time — let your animal body lead the way, and give your brain a rest from all the shoulds and shouldn’ts. You’re fine just to do nothing at all. Sink in to that.

End of Caitlin Johnstone's remarks

Your uncle Steve adds some thoughts.

Do you really believe this verse should be in the Bible?

Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

It is taught that being still is evil in most churches. We are hammered to keep busy for the Lord, win souls, if you don't do your part, millions will go to Hell.

I have news for you. Jesus never once said to his disciples, "Hurry up guys, we need to get moving." Jesus was NEVER in a hurry. He came to save the world from sin and damnation, and he did it at a stroll.

And, your panic over not being able to go to church and join the herd........ Your truly born again friends are also at home. Call them, and fellowship. You could go drop off a dish of food on the doorstep of someone in quarantine. Call them by phone of course after you leave it so they know it is there.

Christianity is not a religion..... It is a way of life. Religion has been shut down in America, and it is the best thing to happen to this nation in many years. Maybe some real Christians will find a way to glorify God from home. We have all gotten used to having our weekly dose in a large glorious piece of real estate, and that is NOT where the Church in the New Testament met. The Church of the Apostle Paul met in homes.

And, all of those employees of your religion who produce the big show on Sunday morning...... It was time for them to also go home and see if they could be a real Christian between Sundays. Stop feeling sorry for them. Just don't let your pastor starve please.

Finally, take a walk. Avoid people of course, but if you have a place to walk, go walk. Get the sun for Vitamin D, a very useful way to lift your immune system. Cook things you never cook, like dry beans, bake bread, and use the grill more. Roast your own coffee. Order the green beans online. Bake cookies. There are many things you have not done in years because you have become so busy out grabbing dollars.

Oh, and do keep your powder dry friend. If food shortages get severe, there will be lawless people out roaming about.

Finally, someone you know is very depressed. They are looking at no paycheck, and they have all their kids at home all day. What can you do to take some of the load off? Can you call each one of the kids and chat or play a word game on the phone? Can you look up a Bible verse every day that will encourage the Mom? How about starting a pun contest with the kids, and give awards for the best pun of the day? Do this on the phone or in Google Hangouts.

Control bad news. Try to talk to friends on the phone without passing on bad news. Give ideas for survival and where to find food and deals, but stop taking your friends down with more bad news. Limit Drudge Report to one visit per day, and do not part there for hours.

God allowed a virus to turn our lives upside down for his own reason. He sure did not plan on you going into a panic and letting it destroy your mind. What does God want you to accomplish during this time in your life?

Here is something to play online in the background to clear the mind: