Friday, November 30, 2018


All I have for you this time is one documentary. It is a compilation of new facts and research. The video will show you that radiation from Fukushima is totally out of control. The plume which blew into the upper atmosphere in the first few days is now settling back to earth. 

Cesium is totally off the charts, it is being found at deadly levels in Montana, and Japan is absolutely covering up the deadly contamination of Tokyo. The population is being contaminated so badly that it is known that millions of Japanese will soon begin dying off.

The facts in the video confirm my suggestion from day one that Americans should not be eating vegetables and fruit grown in the California central valleys, wine from Northern California, and fruit from inland orchards in Washington State and Oregon.

We do not eat any fish or shrimp from Pacific Ocean waters. 80% of the salmon did not return to spawn in the rivers this last year. The Pacific Ocean is in the process of total die off, and the fishing industry is collapsing. You are insane if you eat any fish from the Pacific.

What we are talking about is the day some highly placed US Government official bells the cat. The food supply from California grown or harvested from coastal zones will be condemned, and California will go totally bankrupt. Even further inland, prevailing winds from Alaska and the northern oceans will be shown to be contaminating middle USA food supplies and crops. This could be the thing that pulls down the USA as an empire.

The harsh reality is that crops clear across the USA are contaminated to some degree. The only areas that may be fairly safe are Florida and Texas crops which are grown far south. The safest food in our stores comes from Chile and other points south of the Equator.

Here is the video:

If you live in California, my advice to you is, eat food imported into California from other states. Do not swim in the ocean anywhere on the West Coast of the USA. Best option..... leave California. Your air and water has to be red hot with radiation. If you do nothing to defend yourself from this danger, you will one day be told  you have cancer or Alzheimer's, and it will be too late to repair the damage.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Mixing the peanut butter is a pain in the neck, as you health junkies well know. If you buy the organic variety, it is not filled with additives to keep the peanut butter solids from separating from the oil and settling to the bottom. While you know you are eating healthy, you also know that your wife will soon say, "Dear, would you mix the peanut butter please?" 

At this point, you dig out a metal bowl, and you try to pry the peanut butter out of the bottle into the bowl. Once you have all the clods out of the bottom of the bottle, you find a large spoon and start trying to dissolve the stuff into the oil. The trick is to keep at it until there are no more lumps.

Now, for several years I have been thinking, "There is a better way to do this." Recently, I was watching my wife use the hand beater to beat up some eggs, and I thought that this great old faithful kitchen tool would be just the gadget to mix the peanut butter. The peanut butter was sitting on the kitchen counter this morning, and I decided to stop procrastinating and do the manly thing and mix it.

I dug out the hand beater, slipped one beater into it (only one would fit into the jar), and I went to work to justify my existence as the resident inventor of our home. I reasoned correctly that the beater should be submerged clear down into the peanut butter to prevent it tossing bits of peanut butter out onto the counter. I also determined that the jar should be held very tightly to avoid losing control of the jar.

I determined the beater should go a lot slower than its lowest speed in order to not lose control of something. But, in the spirit of all great discoverers, I flipped the switch on LOW anyway. 

I mixed the peanut butter amazingly well. I mixed it all over the counter top, and I mixed a goodly portion on the floor, and I mixed it all over the stove nearby, and I mixed an ambient portion on myself.

This was one of those rare moments of great discovery when the only thing you can do is have a good laugh at yourself for being so gullible. If you stop by for coffee, you will notice the seductive aroma of peanuts in the house. We figure it will be well into 2020 before we locate every last bit of peanut butter around the house.

My method of mixing peanut butter is so unique and progressive that I have patented it, so do please write and get permission before you reprint my instructions for mixing peanut butter.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018


Jordan Peterson is a warrior who stands his ground and attacks political correctness and the efforts of Progressive Liberal Post Modernists to annihilate free speech and live in a government managed culture.


Where ever you are in the social structure of life, you must take every opportunity to blast the PC nags and nannies. Show no mercy. It is time to let these pests know they are not welcome. When some hag says, "We really must not talk about this subject, you know," verbally slap them viciously. Do use decent speech, but blow away their message.

If you and I will not do this, we cannot complain one day when the First Amendment is replaced by a long list of speech content which is outlawed and classified as felony behavior.

You need to understand that the US Constitution First Amendment has been interpreted in the Supreme Court to mean that you say say virtually anything except yell "Fire" in a crowded room or threaten physical violence publically.

So, speak exactly what you are thinking. The only caveat would be for the Bible believer to make sure his speech is glorifying to God. Otherwise, what anyone in the market place thinks about your speech is irrelevant. 

Friday, November 9, 2018


The guy was wearing an "I love Jesus" hat, but he was tearing up Bibles. 

The man broke into a Chesterfield, Virginia Presbyterian church and went on a rampage. 


The mystery question is, "Why does a man love Jesus and tear up Bibles?"

Here are possible motives:

1. The man could simply be insane. We fail to give credit to the present culture and social order which exalts insanity. Liberal Democrats have a daily feast of hate and rage, and then they are shocked when some weak minded person loses control and does evil in the name of some cause. There will be more and more of this as weak minded people are driven to react with hate and rage inspired by Progressive Liberals and Communists in our Government.

2. The "I love Jesus" hat may have been a calculated mockery choice, and the man was, in fact, a witch of Satanic Church member. In this case, we should be happy he did not come through the door on Sunday morning with a machine gun blazing.

3. The tearing up of Bibles is a clue to a possible motive. The "I love Jesus" hat could belong to a man who has had his soul sent into hate and rage for people who publish and use fake bibles. These offended people champion the King James Bible, and some of them will burn NIV and RSV bibles to prove their zeal for the KJV. The problem here is that the KJV, along with the Geneva Bible, are the ONLY two Bibles which are based on non-Roman Catholic Greek texts and manuscripts. Well over 200 bible translations have been made since about 1900 which are based on Vatican Greek texts. This whole debate is very rational and hammered out on both sides with civility and restraint. But, if a man is weak, or if he is wicked and looking for a cause to hide behind, he may become a warrior for the KJV who is willing to do violence to churches. The irony is, the pew Bibles at the church in Chesterfield may be the Geneva Bible which is taken from the non-Catholic Greek manuscripts. The fanaticism among KJV only people does not allow for the Geneva though.

4. The man may have been offended by a member, or the pastor, of the Chesterfield church, and he wanted revenge. The pastor and members will never admit that they offended the man in any way because Presbyterians are Calvinists, and John Calvin was a murderer and never repented of burning Servetus at the stake. Presbyterians are often very offensive and proud people, and to admit they offended the man in question would simply be too much like Jesus, and Jesus in still under probation in most Presbyterian churches.

What lessons do we take away from this?

1. Crazy men who attack churches are not typical of all conservative Christians. All the media and morning shows will talk this around until they have this man made into your average conservative Christian. Blast them to Hell for this creepy trick. It is really getting old.

2. Also, Presbyterians are not all offensive with Calvinist hate for anyone not like them. Be careful about dumping Presbyterians into the "them" and "they" category.'

3. But also, if you are a Presbyterian or any other kind of Reformed Church, take heed to your conduct. As you offend and gossip and trash someone in your church who is not totally conformed to you prejudices, consider the possibility that you are making a very zealous enemy. There are consequences. When you claim that crappy young lawyer John Calvin as your guiding star, instead of the Carpenter of Nazareth, you are investing in damnation my friend.

4. When someone behaves in an insane manner, they need to be locked up and throw away the  key. America has become way too patient with insanity and rage turned violent. If every nut case in America knew he was headed for a padded cell, for life, if he decided to go native for an evening, there would be a lot of allegedly insane people who would find a way to pause and restrain themselves. I believe some politicians like Maxine Waters need to be tossed into prison for their murderous words. This would restrain some Democrats.

5. This is SOP for the devil's mob. Jesus told us about what we should expect for following him, and in America we have so little of it that we think that we deserve to be treated better. I noticed a tinge of resentment and hurt feelings in the pastor of the church. How pathetic! What did Jesus suggest should be our response

Matthew 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

The moral of the story is, maybe the Presbyterian church in Virginia is getting something right, and they now have the right enemies. A pastor is worthless as tits on a boar hog if he has no enemies when he arrives one day in Heaven.

And, that is how I see it from Texas.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


This is what a feminist terrorist looks like. She demands that the Police respond to her on her terms. She threatens the Police with revenge by using her position as a public servant.

There was a very good reason for not giving her any information. If the cop gave out one detail to her that differed in the least from what he got from the driver, the case would be thrown out of court, and the cop could end up being reprimanded. 

Also, the cop needed the permission from the driver to give out information. That is why the woman kept the kids away from the conversation. She was setting a trap for the officer to incriminate himself.

Men..... stay away from Jezebels like this woman. They will do anything to destroy a man. Just walk off and leave them stewing in their own juices. If they grab at you, that is physical assault. What you do next is your choice under the law.

It has been a long time since anyone seemed to qualify for our famous Dead Skunk Award, but this woman is worthy.

When you answer a woman, and she refuses to accept the answer, you have a faminazi on your hands. If you keep talking, you will end up in court and paying some big cash to the woman. Indeed, you may end up being accused of sexual assault.

Monday, November 5, 2018


This woman refuses to consider Jordan Peterson's wisdom. She wants only one thing...... to make a jack ass of Peterson. You need to be very good at debate to deal with hags like this. There comes a time when it is best to dismiss women like this.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Richard Dawkins is the most mean tempered angry creep from the discipline of Evolutionary Science. His rage is well known, and many Evolutionists consider him a very poor "scholar," and a embarrassing pest.


Dawkins made this video to mock at faith, and he tries to justify his rage and hate which he makes no effort to restrain. In the video, Dawkins shows no examples of joy and love as taught in the Bible. He only shows symbolic examples of times when religion ran into the ditch. He gives the impression that God likes these horrid examples of backslidden religion.


The famous evolutionists who run the seminar and speaking circuit, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, have no smile. They have no joy. They have no message of hope that they preach. They are mean tempered and raging mad. 

A reasonable man, if he were a mature minded Evolutionist, would not become a missionary for Evolution. He would not spend his whole life trying to help other people hate God and Christians. He would live his life out, knowing he had only one life to live and then oblivion. Why spend a life raging around the world preaching hate in the name of Charles Darwin?

The reason is, Richard Dawkins BELIEVES there is a God, and he hates that God. He needs to hear himself blasting Christians and the Bible, and he feeds his terrified soul on the applause of the mob before him. There is no other explanation why Dawkins wastes his life as a missionary for hate and rage.

Have you ever noticed that Evolutionists have no smile.

They have no music. They do not sing when they gather to rage and puke up their hate.

There are no proverbs or sayings that encourage moral behavior in Evolution. Like, "As thou wouldst that men do unto you, do ye also unto them."

There are no hospitals anywhere on earth that were built by Evolutionists. There are Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, heretic Seventh Day Adventist and Mormon, and even a couple Muslim hospitals. But, Evolution has no instinct to do good to other men.

So, what are the redeeming qualities of Evolution? The answer is, there are none. This is because Evolution has no moral ground to stand on, and because of that, there is no incentive in Evolution to do good works.

Now, come with me to Washington DC. We will visit the House of Representatives and the Senate. In these political bodies we find about 50% angry raging complainers. They are also called Democrats. Many Americans are asking why the Democrats are so full of hate and rage. The answer is this.....

Democrats are Atheists. They may claim a religion, but in their souls they hate God, and they love murder. They are absolutely terrified that Roe and Wade will be revisited, and the conservative leaning Supreme Court will come to the rescue of unborn babies and rule against abortion. Democrats virtually live to see babies killed, and they crave news every day that another man has been emotionally and professionally destroyed by a feminazi making sex abuse accusations.

It is time for Americans to see that The Democratic Party, and the Atheist Evolutionists of America are one and the same animal. They hate God. 

This is why Hillary, Obama, and all the Liberal Democrat leaders are all talking about "Freedom of worship" instead of freedom of religion. You see, religion is something that defines your zeal, and religion is found in the soul of man. Worship is something you do in a piece or real estate which is licensed by the IRS to do business. Once religious freedom is vested in a worship place, under the auspicious of the IRS, religious zeal can be outlawed in public life.

Thus, Liberal Progressive Democrats, and Atheist Evolutionists, are raging mad and belching hate non-stop. They live for one thing..... to kill God.

Here is Billy Joel singing about Richard Dawkins

And he'll go to the grave as an angry old man.....