Do you want to know what God thinks of you?????
Hebrews 12:8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
If God has not very pointedly punished you for exalting Donald Trump, you are a spiritual BASTARD.
I did not say you are a social bastard. It is very possible to be born a bastard socially and be born again and serve God with his approval. But, a spiritual bastard is someone who parades as a son of God while, in truth, he is not born again at all.
Right, I am saying what you just thought. A lot of Trump supporters are crass spiritual bastards on their way to Hell where Trump is headed.
The Donald, in many interviews, says, "I am very religious....." He also says he never confesses sin. He recognizes sin, and then he goes on and determines never to do it again. That is NOT the Bible doctrine on sin. Donald is not a Christian and cannot understand biblical truth because he is still dead in sin and loves his sin.
Moderator Frank Luntz asked Trump on Saturday if he had ever sought God's forgiveness and Trump replied, "I'm not sure I have ever asked God's forgiveness. I don't bring God into that picture."
Trump clarified further about forgiveness in the church setting saying, "When I go to church and when I drink my little wine and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of forgiveness. I do that as often as I can because I feel cleansed. I say let's go on and let's make it right," declared Trump.
But, let us then hold him to his own definitions on sin. We know an area of wretched sin which tempts us all at times, and Donald clearly loves this sin. The next video is Donald on a hot mic he was unaware of. This is the real man as he is off camera. I also want you to watch The Young Turks, Christ hating Liberals, discuss the video. In the end they talk about YOU.
The logic among slop hog Christians is, "We need to vote for the lesser of two evils."
That is nowhere justified in the Bible.
Your logic is 100% of the flesh and the devil.
You are a spiritual bastard.
Never, in the Bible, are we asked by God to empower the wicked. The Christian life is frequently interrupted by opportunities to justify the wicked in one way or other.
Now, Daddy, if you still want to vote for Donald Trump, please do me a favor. To convince me that you are a spiritual bastard, please call your young son to the computer, and play the video for him. As you go along, stop the video and explain to your son how to grab a woman in the pussy and other sweet thoughts from The Donald. If you can do that, you are damned to Hell, and I am right.....
If you cringe at the thought of your son seeing the video of The Donald, well then, I do have a bit of hope for you. But, why are you going to vote for the man and be part of his exaltation?
In closing, watch this compilation. You may prefer the Donald Trump of the public performance where he is more restrained. Right, like this?????
Colossians 4:6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.