Friday, December 14, 2018


Never have so many idiots been deluded by so few.

Scientists at Stony Brook University have been staring at pink poop on Danger Island in Antarctica, and they have concluded that the penguins on the Island are either going extinct, all 1.5 million of them, or, they are not pooping as much pink poop as they did twenty years ago.

It is good to contemplate that Al Gore warned us, long ago, of the coming age of diminishing pink poop.

You have no idea how upset I am about this. The world may soon have a shortage of pink poop, and you don't even care.

We must all so live that, after our departing into our next life, the world will say of us, "He sure was a great defender of pink poop."

Now, some reading here will mock and tell me there is no such thing as pink poop. So, here is the story just the way I heard it.....


Thursday, December 13, 2018


When I was a kid,  and when a cop pulled you over, you always wanted to get out of your car. Long ago it was thought that a driver who gets out of his car is showing he does not have a gun. I did that in Arizona when a cop pulled me over. He at once told me to get back in my car. He just wanted to know what I was doing with a paper bag picking something off of a thorn tree.

This is the truth. I noticed preying mantis chrysalises on the tree, and I wanted to collect some to put in my garden to eat bugs. I told him that, and he told me I had picked a spot to stop where illegals were dropped off. He was happy, but before he left he told me to never get out of my car when a cop stops me. He told me that the custom from long ago was found to be more common with attacks than just sitting in the car.

Another custom we observe here in Texas and in Arizona is, if you have a gun carrying on you or in the car, throw it on the dash top up toward the window just as soon as you pull over. This way, the cop knows you are not hiding it, and you are willing to answer gun related questions.

Now, here is the rest of the story. You jerks who sass and challenge cops, or you who imply the cop was not paying attention etc, you are just making sure you get the whole book thrown at you.

Ladies: If you think that being overly sexy or suggestive will help, consider this. What if the cop is a man who is zealous to be faithful to his wife? You will make yourself threatening to him by forcing him to communicate through an emotional fog of temptation to lust for you. Playing the whore is real dumb.

And, if a man cannot admonish you, lady, then go directly to jail, do not pass go, and DO pay the whole fat fine.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Many people in technology wonder when the day will arrive when our minds will be opened to the world by technology. When will government stealth agencies be permitted to read our thoughts? Indeed, when will Wal Mart be free to read our thoughts as we shop?

Here is a lady who works in these areas and is thinking way ahead.

It might be useful to start thinking, before the war for your mind begins, of ways to protect yourself.

1. Learn how to detect brain reading equipment.

2. Develop the discipline to brain shift. By this, I mean to put your brain into completely different mode in a second's notice. For a Christian, start reciting Bible verses mentally, or sing a hymn in your head. Learn a nonsense phrase and repeat it over and over until you feel you have left the danger zone. Besa me masa (Kiss my grits). If it is a foreign language, that is even better.

3. If you suspect a snoop nearby, start praying, and go through a list of your friends talking to God about their needs.

4. Talk to the eves droppers. Mentally launch a tirade telling the listener what you think of them. Offer to take them to dinner if they identify themselves. Tell them you saw there name in a list of suspects at the police station. Tell them that there is a gorilla standing behind them, then watch to see who looks behind themselves.

5. Carry on a conversation with an imaginary person. Lead the conversation into intrigue of some sort, and then give directions to the spot you are on, and tell the imaginary person on the other end, "When you get here, drop the bomb and blow us all out of here. The snoop will get to go listen to Satan's thoughts in Hell."

You can count on one thing for sure. When the technology to listen to our thoughts starts being used in public places, we will not be told about it in advance. The CIA, IRS, Homeland Security, and the FBI will start using it clandestinely at first.

So, develop a couple strategies for yourself to mess with their toys.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Vaccines, in recent years, have been causing Autism in children. This story is about a man who is now a vegetable because of the flu shot. The measles, and other vaccines, are just as deadly an issue.


Here is the story of the flu vaccine causing autism in children. It is proven the truth by a whistle blower who worked in the CDC who masterminded a cover up of the autism connection and destroyed evidence that there is an autism connection.

If you let anyone vaccinate your child, you could well be murdering your child. Minimum, you could be turning your child into a mindless vegetable. If your mercy on your child will not move you, then consider the lowest form of influence on your warped soul..... give your kid the flu shot, and you could end up giving them 100% full time care until the day you die.


This is far more than  a conspiracy by the US Government and Big Pharma to protect a murder procedure for the cash flow and bribes. This is murder, and they KNOW what they are doing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


If you are a Republican, and you crave Democrat friends, it can be done after all.

All you have to do it die.

Democrats are climbing all over one another to get to the front of the crowd and say sweet nothings about Papa Bush.

RIP George HW Bush. You won the last election.

Friday, November 30, 2018


All I have for you this time is one documentary. It is a compilation of new facts and research. The video will show you that radiation from Fukushima is totally out of control. The plume which blew into the upper atmosphere in the first few days is now settling back to earth. 

Cesium is totally off the charts, it is being found at deadly levels in Montana, and Japan is absolutely covering up the deadly contamination of Tokyo. The population is being contaminated so badly that it is known that millions of Japanese will soon begin dying off.

The facts in the video confirm my suggestion from day one that Americans should not be eating vegetables and fruit grown in the California central valleys, wine from Northern California, and fruit from inland orchards in Washington State and Oregon.

We do not eat any fish or shrimp from Pacific Ocean waters. 80% of the salmon did not return to spawn in the rivers this last year. The Pacific Ocean is in the process of total die off, and the fishing industry is collapsing. You are insane if you eat any fish from the Pacific.

What we are talking about is the day some highly placed US Government official bells the cat. The food supply from California grown or harvested from coastal zones will be condemned, and California will go totally bankrupt. Even further inland, prevailing winds from Alaska and the northern oceans will be shown to be contaminating middle USA food supplies and crops. This could be the thing that pulls down the USA as an empire.

The harsh reality is that crops clear across the USA are contaminated to some degree. The only areas that may be fairly safe are Florida and Texas crops which are grown far south. The safest food in our stores comes from Chile and other points south of the Equator.

Here is the video:

If you live in California, my advice to you is, eat food imported into California from other states. Do not swim in the ocean anywhere on the West Coast of the USA. Best option..... leave California. Your air and water has to be red hot with radiation. If you do nothing to defend yourself from this danger, you will one day be told  you have cancer or Alzheimer's, and it will be too late to repair the damage.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Mixing the peanut butter is a pain in the neck, as you health junkies well know. If you buy the organic variety, it is not filled with additives to keep the peanut butter solids from separating from the oil and settling to the bottom. While you know you are eating healthy, you also know that your wife will soon say, "Dear, would you mix the peanut butter please?" 

At this point, you dig out a metal bowl, and you try to pry the peanut butter out of the bottle into the bowl. Once you have all the clods out of the bottom of the bottle, you find a large spoon and start trying to dissolve the stuff into the oil. The trick is to keep at it until there are no more lumps.

Now, for several years I have been thinking, "There is a better way to do this." Recently, I was watching my wife use the hand beater to beat up some eggs, and I thought that this great old faithful kitchen tool would be just the gadget to mix the peanut butter. The peanut butter was sitting on the kitchen counter this morning, and I decided to stop procrastinating and do the manly thing and mix it.

I dug out the hand beater, slipped one beater into it (only one would fit into the jar), and I went to work to justify my existence as the resident inventor of our home. I reasoned correctly that the beater should be submerged clear down into the peanut butter to prevent it tossing bits of peanut butter out onto the counter. I also determined that the jar should be held very tightly to avoid losing control of the jar.

I determined the beater should go a lot slower than its lowest speed in order to not lose control of something. But, in the spirit of all great discoverers, I flipped the switch on LOW anyway. 

I mixed the peanut butter amazingly well. I mixed it all over the counter top, and I mixed a goodly portion on the floor, and I mixed it all over the stove nearby, and I mixed an ambient portion on myself.

This was one of those rare moments of great discovery when the only thing you can do is have a good laugh at yourself for being so gullible. If you stop by for coffee, you will notice the seductive aroma of peanuts in the house. We figure it will be well into 2020 before we locate every last bit of peanut butter around the house.

My method of mixing peanut butter is so unique and progressive that I have patented it, so do please write and get permission before you reprint my instructions for mixing peanut butter.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018


Jordan Peterson is a warrior who stands his ground and attacks political correctness and the efforts of Progressive Liberal Post Modernists to annihilate free speech and live in a government managed culture.


Where ever you are in the social structure of life, you must take every opportunity to blast the PC nags and nannies. Show no mercy. It is time to let these pests know they are not welcome. When some hag says, "We really must not talk about this subject, you know," verbally slap them viciously. Do use decent speech, but blow away their message.

If you and I will not do this, we cannot complain one day when the First Amendment is replaced by a long list of speech content which is outlawed and classified as felony behavior.

You need to understand that the US Constitution First Amendment has been interpreted in the Supreme Court to mean that you say say virtually anything except yell "Fire" in a crowded room or threaten physical violence publically.

So, speak exactly what you are thinking. The only caveat would be for the Bible believer to make sure his speech is glorifying to God. Otherwise, what anyone in the market place thinks about your speech is irrelevant. 

Friday, November 9, 2018


The guy was wearing an "I love Jesus" hat, but he was tearing up Bibles. 

The man broke into a Chesterfield, Virginia Presbyterian church and went on a rampage. 


The mystery question is, "Why does a man love Jesus and tear up Bibles?"

Here are possible motives:

1. The man could simply be insane. We fail to give credit to the present culture and social order which exalts insanity. Liberal Democrats have a daily feast of hate and rage, and then they are shocked when some weak minded person loses control and does evil in the name of some cause. There will be more and more of this as weak minded people are driven to react with hate and rage inspired by Progressive Liberals and Communists in our Government.

2. The "I love Jesus" hat may have been a calculated mockery choice, and the man was, in fact, a witch of Satanic Church member. In this case, we should be happy he did not come through the door on Sunday morning with a machine gun blazing.

3. The tearing up of Bibles is a clue to a possible motive. The "I love Jesus" hat could belong to a man who has had his soul sent into hate and rage for people who publish and use fake bibles. These offended people champion the King James Bible, and some of them will burn NIV and RSV bibles to prove their zeal for the KJV. The problem here is that the KJV, along with the Geneva Bible, are the ONLY two Bibles which are based on non-Roman Catholic Greek texts and manuscripts. Well over 200 bible translations have been made since about 1900 which are based on Vatican Greek texts. This whole debate is very rational and hammered out on both sides with civility and restraint. But, if a man is weak, or if he is wicked and looking for a cause to hide behind, he may become a warrior for the KJV who is willing to do violence to churches. The irony is, the pew Bibles at the church in Chesterfield may be the Geneva Bible which is taken from the non-Catholic Greek manuscripts. The fanaticism among KJV only people does not allow for the Geneva though.

4. The man may have been offended by a member, or the pastor, of the Chesterfield church, and he wanted revenge. The pastor and members will never admit that they offended the man in any way because Presbyterians are Calvinists, and John Calvin was a murderer and never repented of burning Servetus at the stake. Presbyterians are often very offensive and proud people, and to admit they offended the man in question would simply be too much like Jesus, and Jesus in still under probation in most Presbyterian churches.

What lessons do we take away from this?

1. Crazy men who attack churches are not typical of all conservative Christians. All the media and morning shows will talk this around until they have this man made into your average conservative Christian. Blast them to Hell for this creepy trick. It is really getting old.

2. Also, Presbyterians are not all offensive with Calvinist hate for anyone not like them. Be careful about dumping Presbyterians into the "them" and "they" category.'

3. But also, if you are a Presbyterian or any other kind of Reformed Church, take heed to your conduct. As you offend and gossip and trash someone in your church who is not totally conformed to you prejudices, consider the possibility that you are making a very zealous enemy. There are consequences. When you claim that crappy young lawyer John Calvin as your guiding star, instead of the Carpenter of Nazareth, you are investing in damnation my friend.

4. When someone behaves in an insane manner, they need to be locked up and throw away the  key. America has become way too patient with insanity and rage turned violent. If every nut case in America knew he was headed for a padded cell, for life, if he decided to go native for an evening, there would be a lot of allegedly insane people who would find a way to pause and restrain themselves. I believe some politicians like Maxine Waters need to be tossed into prison for their murderous words. This would restrain some Democrats.

5. This is SOP for the devil's mob. Jesus told us about what we should expect for following him, and in America we have so little of it that we think that we deserve to be treated better. I noticed a tinge of resentment and hurt feelings in the pastor of the church. How pathetic! What did Jesus suggest should be our response

Matthew 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

The moral of the story is, maybe the Presbyterian church in Virginia is getting something right, and they now have the right enemies. A pastor is worthless as tits on a boar hog if he has no enemies when he arrives one day in Heaven.

And, that is how I see it from Texas.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


This is what a feminist terrorist looks like. She demands that the Police respond to her on her terms. She threatens the Police with revenge by using her position as a public servant.

There was a very good reason for not giving her any information. If the cop gave out one detail to her that differed in the least from what he got from the driver, the case would be thrown out of court, and the cop could end up being reprimanded. 

Also, the cop needed the permission from the driver to give out information. That is why the woman kept the kids away from the conversation. She was setting a trap for the officer to incriminate himself.

Men..... stay away from Jezebels like this woman. They will do anything to destroy a man. Just walk off and leave them stewing in their own juices. If they grab at you, that is physical assault. What you do next is your choice under the law.

It has been a long time since anyone seemed to qualify for our famous Dead Skunk Award, but this woman is worthy.

When you answer a woman, and she refuses to accept the answer, you have a faminazi on your hands. If you keep talking, you will end up in court and paying some big cash to the woman. Indeed, you may end up being accused of sexual assault.

Monday, November 5, 2018


This woman refuses to consider Jordan Peterson's wisdom. She wants only one thing...... to make a jack ass of Peterson. You need to be very good at debate to deal with hags like this. There comes a time when it is best to dismiss women like this.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Richard Dawkins is the most mean tempered angry creep from the discipline of Evolutionary Science. His rage is well known, and many Evolutionists consider him a very poor "scholar," and a embarrassing pest.


Dawkins made this video to mock at faith, and he tries to justify his rage and hate which he makes no effort to restrain. In the video, Dawkins shows no examples of joy and love as taught in the Bible. He only shows symbolic examples of times when religion ran into the ditch. He gives the impression that God likes these horrid examples of backslidden religion.


The famous evolutionists who run the seminar and speaking circuit, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, have no smile. They have no joy. They have no message of hope that they preach. They are mean tempered and raging mad. 

A reasonable man, if he were a mature minded Evolutionist, would not become a missionary for Evolution. He would not spend his whole life trying to help other people hate God and Christians. He would live his life out, knowing he had only one life to live and then oblivion. Why spend a life raging around the world preaching hate in the name of Charles Darwin?

The reason is, Richard Dawkins BELIEVES there is a God, and he hates that God. He needs to hear himself blasting Christians and the Bible, and he feeds his terrified soul on the applause of the mob before him. There is no other explanation why Dawkins wastes his life as a missionary for hate and rage.

Have you ever noticed that Evolutionists have no smile.

They have no music. They do not sing when they gather to rage and puke up their hate.

There are no proverbs or sayings that encourage moral behavior in Evolution. Like, "As thou wouldst that men do unto you, do ye also unto them."

There are no hospitals anywhere on earth that were built by Evolutionists. There are Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, heretic Seventh Day Adventist and Mormon, and even a couple Muslim hospitals. But, Evolution has no instinct to do good to other men.

So, what are the redeeming qualities of Evolution? The answer is, there are none. This is because Evolution has no moral ground to stand on, and because of that, there is no incentive in Evolution to do good works.

Now, come with me to Washington DC. We will visit the House of Representatives and the Senate. In these political bodies we find about 50% angry raging complainers. They are also called Democrats. Many Americans are asking why the Democrats are so full of hate and rage. The answer is this.....

Democrats are Atheists. They may claim a religion, but in their souls they hate God, and they love murder. They are absolutely terrified that Roe and Wade will be revisited, and the conservative leaning Supreme Court will come to the rescue of unborn babies and rule against abortion. Democrats virtually live to see babies killed, and they crave news every day that another man has been emotionally and professionally destroyed by a feminazi making sex abuse accusations.

It is time for Americans to see that The Democratic Party, and the Atheist Evolutionists of America are one and the same animal. They hate God. 

This is why Hillary, Obama, and all the Liberal Democrat leaders are all talking about "Freedom of worship" instead of freedom of religion. You see, religion is something that defines your zeal, and religion is found in the soul of man. Worship is something you do in a piece or real estate which is licensed by the IRS to do business. Once religious freedom is vested in a worship place, under the auspicious of the IRS, religious zeal can be outlawed in public life.

Thus, Liberal Progressive Democrats, and Atheist Evolutionists, are raging mad and belching hate non-stop. They live for one thing..... to kill God.

Here is Billy Joel singing about Richard Dawkins

And he'll go to the grave as an angry old man.....

Monday, October 29, 2018


Here is an item that the mainline media totally avoided. It is much to positive and feel good news for the hate and rage boys at CNN et al.

This story is about people doing an artistic sculpture in the sand to commemorate the 9000 men killed at Normandy during WWII as they took France away from Hitler. Someone remembers, and someone is thankful for what America did for Europe.


If America had not stopped Hitler at Normandy, there would be no Brexit, there would be no EU, and millions more Jews would have been gassed. It is impossible to imagine the whole of Europe under Nazi control.

But, sadly, there will be another war, an even worse one. The Bible prophecies that the nations of the world will all gather in Israel in the Valley of Armageddon for the last great war. The blood will fly to the height of the horse's bridles. 

What is the moral? 

Answer: When you scream for hate and rage to take the day, like Maxine Waters and hundreds of sicko Democrats in America, remember............. the end of it is all about blood flying. Is that REALLY what you want?

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Winston Churchill said, "Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all."

Now, there is something we can all agree on. 

So, I have a Kindle, and I load old out of print books onto it, books about exploration, discovery, and big game hunters from one hundred or more years ago. These books are out of print, but no one is republishing them, and when bought used they cost a fortune as collectors items.

The book I am reading now is by an early settler and farmer from Kenya who wrote about his experiences in the early 1900s. He gave one chapter to a lady who had lived in Kenya to write suggestions for ladies in England who were considering moving to Kenya with their husbands. The lady gave a list of essentials she thought they should bring with them from England, and at the bottom of the list was an "aguascutum."


Don't that just make you want to go, "Blip?"

Now, this is my first introduction to the aguascutum, and I assumed it was some old word from very proper upper crust English. Maybe it was an air tight box for storing tea biscuits in. 

Not so.

A gentleman in England named John Emary was busy in 1851 trying to improve on cloth made of wool. What he came up with was wool cloth which shed water 100% in the rain. This was in the days before chemical treatments, so whatever he came up with was a fantastic discovery. So, he patented it and opened a factory and store on Regent Street to make the cloth. He next decided he needed a copyrighted name for his wool cloth, so he named it "aguascutum," which means "water shield" in Latin.

John made a coat for King Edward VII, and he was soon given a royal warrant to the Crown, an honor which has never been retracted.

Now, is that not a perfectly respectable and handy little word to hang on a hook in your effulgent mind? See a photo of aquascutums at the top of the page.

This wool cloth was a total success and the British Military ordered John Emary's cloth to make overcoats for their men, and I suspect that is what the olive drab uniforms were made of in WWI. Now, technology has wiped out all these old inventions by making a better product. But, old John Emary never had to abandon his product because of obsolescence. Aguascutum coats are still being made by a company by that name today, and the company was recently bought by a Chinese company.

So, you are now wondering why I told you this story, right? 

Well, if you learn a new word every day, and don't store it in the closet, but get it out regularly, dust it off, and toss it into a conversation, several things will happen:

1. Most importantly, you will seem intelligent to your friends. As you drop old and impressive words here and there along the path of life, everyone will be moved to admire your command of the English language. Well, at least they will go, "Huh,?" and you will have a chance to tell the above priceless little story from old England.

2. Also, you will be able to use some of your new words to create confusion. This is helpful when you are in the company of a boring effete snog. You can say, "Do you think the price of aguascutums would be better from Amazon or Alibaba?" The snob will cough, claim to need a drink of water, and he will creep around behind a door and find the word on Google so he can keep up with you. Just keep doing this every other sentence, and you will keep him hiding all night behind a sofa looking up words.

3. Sometimes, if you want to end a conversation with something shocking that will terrify the mob you got stuck with, you can drop the sly use of a word, like, "I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to wash my aguascutum in days." You will be amazed how much fresh useful confusion this method will produce.

Now, kiddies, off you go to The Wayback Machine or Gutenberg Press, and load down the old books onto your Kindle, and start reading and harvesting words to terrorize the snob mob to which you belong.


A number of Polish schools were planning to exalt sodomy yesterday, Friday. In what is a very refreshing move by a government, that is, the Polish Government, the schools were put on notice to cancel the sodomite event or be punished.

Here is the story from AP

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Several schools in Poland have canceled activities promoting tolerance for gays and lesbians following government pressure and threats in some places. 
More than 200 schools had planned to take part in “Rainbow Friday,” an anti-discrimination event that a civic rights group, the Campaign Against Homophobia, had promoted in hopes of building greater acceptance for LGBT students. 
Private broadcaster TVN reported that some schools pulled out of the event following an outcry. 
The education minister of Poland’s conservative government, Anna Zalewska, had warned ahead of time that any principals who allowed such events to take place could face negative consequences. She also asked parents to report any such activities to authorities. 
It was not immediately clear how many schools canceled their plans to participate.
There are many such stories coming out of Slavic nations in recent years. The problem is, the media are trying to cover up such stories, or they write them up with blasts and accusations against those who resist sodomy in their nations.

Poland is a great role model to American state governments. It is time that states which do not want to be known as Sodomite Heaven make some Hell for those who exalt these vices.

Here are the youth of Poland, several years ago, breaking up a gay pride event and burning down their rainbow. It is interesting that when people go out and demonstrate and show hate for sin, it is a "hate crime." When sodomites parade naked and shake their stuff at children along the way, it is "pride." 

God will destroy the USA for abandoning the laws it once had to restrain sodomy. There is no longer any hope of God showing mercy on America.

Monday, October 22, 2018


Jordan Peterson explains why evil seems more with us than good.

In society, when talking with people in the market place, the barber shop, or in political discussions, the subjects which dominate are all about how bad things are getting. This is universal. The media exacerbates the thing by headlining bad news and disasters. If you feel I am being too broad in my observations, consider how often YOU have dropped into talking about the evil in someone else or in some group in society.

Again, in the Lord's Church the same is true. People, and especially pastors, easily slip into descriptions of evil and Satanic things going on around us. Try preaching a series on Heaven and the blessings of eternity for the believer while the pastor across town is doing a series on the Great Tribulation. You will have several members abandon you until you get back to exposing cults or talking about sin and wickedness.

I have seen people in churches I have been involved in who gave their whole attention in life to destroying the church. One man was very active in his church, doing missionary trips to Central America to take supplies to missionaries. He also smuggled exotic birds back into the US to sell. He finally got caught, and his image of a zealous Christian was totally destroyed. He turned in rage on his home church, started filthy rumors about the pastor, and came close to being killed by people he tried to destroy. God took his wife with cancer, and the man soon died of cancer as well. All through this era he was writing books on Christian victory and promoting them online.

You may find it hard to believe that story. I believe it because I was attacked by the man online, and men who saw his writings on Christian victory helped him attack me. My offense to him was, in his mind, that I did not help him destroy Dr. Peter Ruckman. Perhaps someone reading here, who hates the memory of Ruckman, will give that wretched hate of theirs a second thought. Things are not what they always seem.

How does so much evil seem to crop up over and over in Bible believing churches. I refuse to give Satan all the credit for it. I believe the human heart is more evil than that of Satan himself. Here is my proof text for that:

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Meditate on this, fellow believer, as you dabble in porn or some other evil attraction. 

Why is it that evil seems to be with us more than God himself sometimes? You do not like my question do you? Well, there is a reason for this strange reality. And, do not tell me that you see more evidence of God than evidence of evil.

The reason for this is that evil is right there in front of us every day. Hell, and the works of Satan, are the largest part of world history. The Holocaust is real and can be felt by just reading a book written by a Holocaust survivor. Heaven can only be defined and understood by faith in the Word of God and the descriptions of what Heaven will be like.

After this discussion in the video, Jordan Peterson talks about the ongoing hate and rage being promoted for anyone who will not submit to the redefinition of gender in society. This is an evil which is building up to a virtual social war around the world. I see the day coming when all societies will be divided in cultural civil war over the myth of multiple genders.

Romans 12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

If there is no Heaven, no God, and no message of hope and love, who invented this world? It is unimaginable that this Hell on earth could exist without an alternative. If there is no God, then we humans are, at the pinnacle of our alleged evolution, beyond description and indescribably evil.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


I told you this was coming. The whole west coast of the USA, from Alaska to Southern California, is experiencing a fish and marine life die off of epic proportions. Radioactivity is now moving inland via environmental processes.

After seeing this video update, I hope you will stop eating food from Washington, Oregon, and California. The San Joaquin Valley is regularly hit by fog from the Pacific Ocean. Even inland orchards and vegetable farm products are dangerous because the US Government is intentionally stopping all radioactivity testing on the West Coast.

The US Government is quite content to hide the truth from you in order to protect the fishing industry in the Pacific and the Ag culture in California and Washington. This is, in reality, murder by default decisions to hide the facts and avoid learning the facts.

Here is the video

It is too late when your thyroid is burned up,  and it is all over for your life if you bones become infected with radiation. You will soon die after you learn that.

Understand this..... US Government agencies are being told to hide the radiation levels in the food you eat. If you do not avoid ALL FOOD from the US West Coast states, you will one day die of radiation exposure.

The radioactive level above the USA, at about 30,000 feet in the sky, tells us that the whole nation is soaking in radioactive air. You need to get Lugol's solution, an iodine compound made for taking orally, and take about two to three drops a day. At your next appointment with your doctor, ask for a blood test which measures your iodine. Iodine will protect your thyroid, but you need to check the level periodically to make sure it is not too high.

When you eat out, do not eat sea food unless the owner can absolutely assure you that the sea food was wild caught south of the equator below the Pacific or in the Atlantic. Buy fruit grown in the northern Middle West of he US, or from Chile or other nations clear away from the northern Pacific Ocean. My policy is taken from the Bible:

Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.


Saturday, October 13, 2018


As usual, the US Government agencies assigned to look after our health and interests have been taken over by Internet and technology companies, and you and I are the victims. 

There will one day be a huge "Oops" event when someone like Ralph Nadar screams, and the Government will see that the cost of health care could actually bankrupt the USA. This will be caused by the ongoing denial that WIFI, especially the new 5G format, does cause health, mind, and cancer issues. 

Until then, you are on your own. These people will start shooting at us all, and they do not care a fig if we all die of cancer. Just pay your connectivity bills, and keep playing on social media.

Here is how 5G works:






I strongly suggest you do your own research at Google. Also, learn about earthing. Order an earthing bracelet from Amazon to use while you are online at a computer. This will drain off as much as 1200 volts of electric energy your body stores from technology devices. You should naturally be at less than one volt.

Friday, October 5, 2018


Political Correctness is not enforced by law. It never will be enforced by law. This is because the Supreme Court will not permit the unconstitutional act of defining the English language, nor will the Supreme Court allow for the policing of social interchange of ideas.

Thus, PC culture is enforced by intimidation by nagging parties. The main culprit here is not colleges, it is the news media. These people are constantly making comments to restrain their own conversation and talking about it on the air. This gives the impression to viewers that there is some official standard out there for speech. No such thing exists. You cannot produce an official enforceable list of PC offences anywhere.

So, who will change because of this conspiracy, and that is what it is?

1. Children will be mentally massaged into compliance by teachers who demonize children who speak their minds or who unintentionally use some speech which the conspiracy has included in the PC control list. Kids who are victimized by the PC "police" will form deep seated hate for authority as they are criminalized publicly by school officials.

2. Teen aged boys, and some girls, who have the propensity to act out rebellion will see PC speech rules as a great opportunity to advance their age based rebellion. This will result in teens who are socially outcast because of their rebel behavior. Thus, they now become heroes because they rebel against the domination of PC "police." By PC "police" we are talking about people who are NOT law enforcement, but they have self-appointed to be the enforcers of society.

3. Adult males, about age 25 through 40, will take up the rebel spirit. Being mature enough and knowledgeable enough to figure out that PC is a farce, these good old boys will use non-PC speech in public places to assert their claim to the high ground. The high ground is defined here as the point from which a person in society views the sick joke of PC speech, and they declare war on it.

The result of PC speech is NOW becoming clear. The nagging nanny conspiracy, especially feminists, Liberals, and Hillary Clinton, see themselves as the final authority on free speech, and the rest of society is slipping into rebel speech that is headed for slop hog social behavior.

Down the road, we can anticipate a cultural revolution in which the common people turn openly nasty and come to dominate social order.

A Bible believer must not allow either the PC "police," nor the rebel mind, to turn them into natural brute beasts.

My personal policy is probably easy to see if you read my blog posts regularly. I will not be changed or managed into compliance by this PC tyranny. And, I will not give way to the temptation of be gross and rude in my speech in order to insult the PC "police."

In the future, I shall be talking more and more about coming to the middle in regard to politics and the culture. As a Bible believer, I am all the way to the conservative right. As an American I intend to be more moderate and more at the center. 

PC speech is another example of how Christians have NO business going to the extremes. The far left, AND THE FAR RIGHT, are behaving more and more like slobs, and I do not want to be in their company.

Here is some ammunition to use on the PC "Police."

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Just up the road from us and through three draws is the town of Bertram. This is the world famous town that holds an annual oatmeal festival, complete with country music and an oatmeal eating contest. The oatmeal issue is based on the town of Oatmeal just around the corner which basically no longer exists, so Bertram absconded with the honors.

The town of Oatmeal was named for the Three Minute Brand of oatmeal which had its factory and world headquarters in the town.

Well, Bertram ranchers are also known for their hay crop. Somehow some bales of hay made their way from one lady's ranch onto the truck of another rancher. The local cop caught up with the "hay you" thief, and he ordered the hay napper to take the bails back to the lady. The thief declined, so the cop threatened to reveal the thief's sins into the public record, that is, the Bertram grape vine at the El Rancho cafe. 

This is very persuasive law enforcement in Texas, but it also happens to be a felony for a cop to use this method of making order. James JJ Wilson is the Sheriff's deputy who is in hot water now over this action. Yesterday, James turned himself in to the Sheriff's office, and he at once received due process. He is now out of jail on $101,000 bond. 

This may affect James' career as a Sheriff's deputy, but then again, this is Texas. After some time in rehabilitation James may someday find his way back into a patrol car and looking for hay thieves.

Those of you who read here regularly know, only too well, that the best source for Texas news is right here at this blog.

And, hay, don't mess with Texas.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


The Progressive Left is made up of the scum of the earth.

We need to stop talking about Hillary, Obama, and Maxine Waters in breathless terror. These creeps do not have the power to take control because they do not occupy the high ground. They stand for murder of babies, sodomy, and pedophilia. Where did we get the idea that they could prevail?

The whole issue is fear. Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and other such hucksters of terror, have gotten the limelight as they try to stampede Americans into total panic in the face of Liberal Leftist Marxist loud mouths like Bernie Sanders.

Who should Bible believers fear?

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

The only entity to fear is God himself. He can send you to Hell. If you are born again, he will NOT send you to Hell. So, whom have we to fear ultimately? 

If Hillary and Obama have you in deep terror of what they may do to you, they already have captured your soul and mind. Fear is a prison which keeps its inmates locked behind the bars of their overactive imaginations. In all my life I have heard of conspiracies that are alleged to be absolutely impossible to stop. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, on and on it goes. The irony is, I have yet to find any of these boogie men doing me or anyone else harm. The only power they have is secrecy, and secrecy is a lot of rubbish if it never results in action and conquest.

We must have such fear of God that there is not fear left in us to fear men.

1 Peter 2:17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

You are NOT told to fear the king, nor any of his cohorts and politicians.


When wicked men try to take power it is historic that they are soon taken down and often killed. They at least end up fleeing to some other nation in terror. Witness Idi Amin and Menguistu Heile Mariam of Ethiopic. When the day comes that God has exhausted his mercy on Hillary Clinton and George Soros, they will end up in a fancy box in a hole in the ground. Kings bleed just as easily as you do.

What is really deadly to the Church of Jesus Christ is when his people stand around in the church house foyer, or at church dinners, and trade horror stories to drive one another into dread and panic. And, the worst of it is that this is often done in front of little children so that these kids grow up with hearts filled with terror rather than the fear of God.

If you, pastor, preside over such a local church, you need a millstone tied around you neck and throw you into the lake. You are a bastard son who is unwilling to teach children to fear God. I hate you with perfect hatred because you are the enemy of God.

Isaiah 66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

How does God feel when he looks at you and hears your conversation? Does God remember you?

Psalms 103:17 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Here is a discussion of what to expect from the Republicans as they abandon Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh will be assumed to be guilty by Republicans. There will be no trial, and the man will be destroyed for life. Justice is not happening in this event.

Monday, September 17, 2018


I have talked about this, and now I am vindicated. 

Here are a group of valid and informed doctors have reviewed the statistics and results of years of statins as a preventative of heart issues, and they are bluntly blasting statin prescriptions.


Thursday, September 13, 2018


Harvey Weinstein is a sleaze bag and predator. He is a classic man of Hollywood. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who has ANY knowledge of how Hollywood and media professionals work knows that these men are animals.

So, why did this woman allow Harvey to continue the meeting after he shut the door and locked it? She should have fled the room at once. Instead, she pampered Harvey and dropped any walls of propriety by stupid suggestive comments. She was selling her sex appeal to Harvey in the hope that it would get her what she wanted.

These naive women need to be ignored when they scream "Rape" months or years later. They knew they asked for trouble by dealing with vipers, and now they come back hoping to get rich on the story.

This is why true Bible believers, under the same protocols we had back in the 1950s, will stop watching and buying products from Hollywood. They are ALL produced by animals and sex perverts. I have inside information of my own from relatives and friends in the S. California area where I was born and lived several times in my life.

Hollywood produces Satanic rubbish at its worst.


I would not go so far as to say Ms Thompson deserved what she got, but by playing the game, she got raped, and she has no business whining now. I find it hard to believe she had never heard what this sort of man, in her profession, would do if he was alone with a woman.

Furthermore, he was toying with her, and she allowed the game to progress to the point where Harvey believed he could rape her. Why did she not take the first question about flirting as a red light and flee the scene? When Harvey asked for permission to flirt, he was telling her he was a lot more interested in her sexually than in her product.

Finally, what woman takes a man like Weinstein seriously? He looks like a drunk from Skid Row, with his tie crooked and one of these "three day drunk" alleged beards. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why any woman lets these slop hogs near them, but this jerk fashion is now the sort of alleged man that women seem to admire.

Romans 3:12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Saturday, September 1, 2018


Look where Jesse Jackson is looking. He is saying silently, "Bishop, baby, you done da wrooooong thing."

But, the worst thing came when the bishop did a mia culpa. Trying to clean up the mess he made was appropriate, but turning Ariana from an Italian into a Mexican was no sin, it was just dumb.


My suggestion to the pastor of that local church:
Add a board to the communion table below the existing one which should read, "One Seventh Commandment."

Sunday, August 26, 2018


I have previous posts on the insane situation in California. See my list of topics in the side bar.

This video simply expands the picture a bit.

You need to understand that the rest of the USA will soon be flooded with people from California, Chicago, New York City, Detroit, and any other wasteland wrecked by Progressive Liberals.

What to do?

Do not panic. These refugees are usually the smart ones, and they fled because they are fed up with the Marxist state of California, AKD North Venezuela. They will generally be quite pleased to live in your community and adapt.

But, understand this..... These people may be fed up with California, but they have been living in the welfare state where Big Nanny has been handing them socialist benefits. They will need to be rebuked soundly when they whine because they cannot get all the same freebies they got in California. Do not tolerate it. Slap them down verbally with a sound rebuke. Otherwise, they will infect your state or city with latent socialism.

But again, most of these people are hard working victims of Marxism and sodomites in the State Legislature of California who hate middle class straights. They will soon be pleased to find a lot less, or none, of this in your locality.

No one is talking about the exit of the 7 million illegals from California. When the state goes belly up, the state will cut welfare payments back, possibly sending IOUs to illegal Mexicans. The Liberals will turn on the illegals in a flash if they see their base of voters falling apart. This is what Governor Jerry Brown has done several times in the past.

So, the illegals will panic and flee California. Some will return to Mexico, but illegals from all over the world, who entered through Mexico into California, will quickly become enemy number one of Blacks and busted Whites. These illegals will also be arriving in your community with their hat out expecting welfare. You need to let your legislators know that you will dump them out at once if they cave in to illegals' demands.


Thursday, August 23, 2018


If you are taking statins for high cholesterol, you are acting upon a lie perpetrated by Big Pharma.

This is not another conspiracy theory. There are literally thousands of researches now extant which call into question the wisdom of taking statins for anything.


Now, go to Amazon, and buy the book, and read the whole story.

If you take statins, you are at war with the body God created for you. Your liver makes 80% of the cholesterol your body needs, and 20% comes from food you eat. Without making more cholesterol, you would die.

If you take statins, this drug lowers your cholesterol in your blood. The brain senses this, and it sends orders to the liver to get the cholesterol level back up to what is normal for you. There is no magic number at which you are normal. Each person needs cholesterol at a different level.

So, the liver goes to your body to find cholesterol. It soon finds all it needs in the walls of the cells of your body. The liver robs the cell walls of cholesterol, leaving the cells perforated. The perforations, which should never be there, allow toxins in your blood to enter the cells instead of being removed by the kidneys. These toxins in your cells cause serious pain, a side effect almost all people on statins experience.

So, the doctor does his bogus test, and he learns that your body has raised your cholesterol back up to what YOU need as normal. The doctor panics and raises the dose of your statins. This works temporarily, and the brain orders the liver to start over finding cholesterol. The liver then goes to the largest supply of cholesterol in your body- your brain, which is 98% cholesterol. The liver robs your brain of cholesterol and raises the level back up in your blood.

The result is dementia, and this explains why many people sitting in that corner chair in the lounge of the nursing home sit all day drooling on themselves. Their brain has been thoroughly reduced by the side effects of statins.

This has all been known for many years now. Big Pharma has known it also, and they pay huge amounts of cash to send doctors to medical conferences and deny the truth as given by men who have studied the thing and are trying to bell the cat. One such "expert," who is a retired heart specialist, is paid $1500 and hour for simply standing and bad mouthing the speaker during the Q&A time.

God made your body to know where your cholesterol level should be, and you are a fool to try to alter that.

What is causing you any such issues, as the video explained, is inflammation of the artery walls by toxic food additives and smoking and other stupid chemical you eat, drink, or inhale. When the artery wall is inflamed or injured, it is covered by cholesterol, the same substance that makes scabs when you cut yourself. Stop the inflammation, and you will stop the clogging of your arteries.

In our home we take Pecto-sol, olive leaf extract, and several other antioxidants. One of the best is turmeric, and coffee cherry fruit is very high in antioxidants. Black seed (cumin) oil is a great tool to clear arteries.

I suggest you look into your diet, and eliminate toxins, food additives, and chemicals. Start reading the ingredients, and when you see chemicals you know nothing about, put it back on the shelf. Inflammation is what will kill you, not bacon, salt pork, and shrimp. In fact, saturated fats are the easiest for your body to digest, and they do no damage like polyunsaturated fats do. If you will not budget to eat grass fed beef, pastured chicken eggs, and organic produce, get ready for arteriosclerosis. 

If God made your body to produce high cholesterol from eating beef, lamb, and butter, why do you believe Big Pharma and your med school indoctrinated doctor that cholesterol is deadly? What sort of God created you to kill yourself from cholesterol?

If God actually wants your cholesterol lower.....

Where was God when Nehemiah said:

Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Where was God the Holy Spirit when Solomon said:

Proverbs 15:30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat.

God is clearly not approving of gluttony, but God WANTS you to eat the fat and plenty of red meat. Thus, he told Noah after he exited the Ark:

Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

If you want a rule of eating that God seemed to make long ago, it would be not to eat blood. I am not sure why this is. It may be more theological than health related, but go ahead and keep that law. Otherwise, if you refuse to eat meat and fat, I can promise you that your health will suffer for it. 

Go to any vegan restaurant, and you will see a bunch of skinny pale and sickly looking people. You will also find that their mind is full of fluff. And, worst of all, they cannot understand the Gospel because they have their food for their religion.

Finally, I need to get in one more lick here. I have tried to reason with a fair number of Seventh Day Adventists, and I find that they are mentally afflicted with a spiritual fog caused by starving their body and brain of hard protein and saturated fat. They also go to a great deal of trouble to hide their cultic superstitions so they can sneak up on meat eating believers and make them think they are born again Christians. 

Now, go to the right thing. Your cholesterol is right where God wants it.