President Obama has to have bad feelings, or worse, toward Hillary and Bill Clinton.
It is entirely possible that Benghazi was all the work of Hillary and had to do with illegal gun running and even some deeply sinister activity, such a pedo trafficking to Saudi Arabia.
So, if Obama was not in charge of this, and if Libya went south BECAUSE of Hillary, AND if it all was not exactly what Obama had in mind, then he wants revenge.
And, there is a way to get it.
Simple..... Piously claim that he cannot get in the way of justice, and turn the Justice Department loose on Hillary, via the FBI investigation. This would eliminate her from the campaign and nomination by law, and Bernie would be the man.
This would be the most brazen, and the most deadly, revenge in modern American history. And, Obama would have to double the palace guard.
The only thing stopping a back room Bern/BO deal is that Bernie might not be corruptible, and thus, The Bern would not promise Obama he would nominate him to be Secretary General of the United Nations.
Now, if The Bern does promise Obama the UN job, welllll the fat is in the fire, Bunky.
Ain't political drama cool at the end of a democracy. Rome and Greece were just as exciting. The problem is, we the people have to live through this mess.
"Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right." H.L. MENCKEN