Indeed, Allah is a rat.
The word "Akbar" is the Assyrian word for mouse or rat. Today, the word "Akbar" is the Hebrew word for mouse also.
Allah is a RAT.
I can certainly agree with Muslims when they shout that. And, this also shows how utterly mongrel Islam is. Mohammed obviously picked up the word "Akbar" while he was running camel caravans from Mecca to Syria for his wife Khadijah, who died before he started getting his revelations from a devil named Dajjal (Mo admitted he had a devil in him).
Mohammed was too illiterate (FACT) and stupid to find out what Akbar meant. It derived from a legend that the Assyrian king, long ago, was caught and tied up by his enemies, and a mouse gnawed the ropes and freed him. From then on, the Assyrians made a god of the mouse.
Allah u Akbar means Allah is a mouse.
Amen. So be it-- a rat of a god.
So, one of Allah's female rats had herself a little Jihad in Moscow yesterday.
This is what we can expect in the USA since Osama Barak Obama brought us these beasts of Allah by the thousands. While there may be relatively peaceful Middle Easterners in the mob, the whole gang was not vetted, and we now have ISIS operatives in the USA.
And, some of you insane maniacs are clinging to the establishment candidates. It was George W. Bush who said, "Islam is a good and peace loving religion." I am ashamed to admit that we actually harbor flaming thugs like George Bush here in Texas.
For the record, Barak Obama KNOWS all the facts about Islam, Jihad, and the rage and lust to kill Americans in the Middle East. THAT IS WHY HE WELCOMED THE MURDEROUS REFUGEES INTO AMERICA. Obama WANTS to see you and your babies slaughtered.
Any sane person, with the knowledge of Islam which Obama has, would never have brought this plague of death on America. This is treason, and our elected officials are too bought, bribed, or blackmailed to bell the cat.
The final warning: Do not hire Middle Eastern people to care for you children. Do not let your kids go visit in the homes of Middle Eastern people unless you are there. They will get a great reward in the Paradise of Islam for killing your kids.
Exception to the rule:
Christian Middle Eastern people. and Ismaili Muslims.
If unsure, simply ask, "Are you an Ismaili Muslim?" You can also ask if they are Sunni or Shiite, and if the say either one, they may be dangerous Jihadis. And that includes the sweet little old lady Muslim next door.
Get it clear, folks......
You may quail at this bluntness, right? Well, Janet Napolitano, when she was Director of Homeland Security, and in her sincere desire to protect Americans (cough, cough, cough), informed America that all Military Veterans are potential terrorists, AND all Christians who carry a Bible and believe in Bible prophecy are potential terrorists.
I am thus, two times over, a potential terrorist. That is what I get for living the life of a Christian and for fighting for my country during the Vietnam War.
As long as this is the mindset of the American leaders, YOU are on the bull's eye. They want you to fear me and hug the Jihadis. I trust you are not quite that stupid.